9 Powerful Retirement Planning Strategies You Should Know
Plan for retirement with confidence. Get values-based financial planning, investment coaching, and wealth stewardship from Family Wealth Partners in Charlotte, NC.
Thanksgiving Traditions
Our personal Thanksgiving traditions! How each one of our team members celebrates Thanksgiving with their own families.
Saving is satisfying, but could it be hiding a fear of running out of money?
Saving money for the future is a good habit. To do it means exercising the virtue of delayed gratification. So it’s only natural that disciplined savers often feel a sense of satisfaction as month-by-month they see their nest egg grow.
A Warning to Younger Investors: Be Wary of “Pop Finance”
If you were around for the Internet stock craze of the late 1990s or the real estate bubble of the late 2000s, you know it can be extremely tempting to jump into an investment that has a recent track record of skyrocketing to higher and higher values.
The Three Basic Things That Retirement-Savvy People Do
Ramsey says that these financially successful people are not necessarily high earners nor do they come across as being financial wizards. In fact, when he asks them about what they did to achieve their success, they invariably answer that they followed a small set of basic principles, but they followed them diligently.
Travel tips for Summer 2021 FWP Favorite Travel Spots!
Travel vacation this year is going to require a little more planning as the country begins to open back up after the COVID year. Here are some travel tips to follow as you plan those much needed vacations. PLUS the FWP teams top vacation spots!
The Origins of Memorial Day: Remembrance and Reconciliation
Our national day of remembrance for those who died in battle (or from wounds received in battle) was enacted as a recognition of the many local memorial days that were already taking place around the country.
We All Have Financial Blind Spots
People to make financial decisions based on circumstances that no longer exist. Your biases can work against you when you don’t take into account your changing financial needs over time.
Worrying on Purpose: Some Surprising Ways to Deal with Anxiety
Worrying serves no constructive purpose. As a popular quote about it states, “Worrying is like paying the interest on a debt you don’t owe.” (Erroneously attributed to Mark Twain.)
How Action Toward Your Goals Can Help Change Your Mood
Conventional wisdom holds that motivation leads to action. The better you feel and the more energized you are, the more likely you are to take your desired step.
There’s such a thing as healthy fear, and it can help you to retire with confidence
A little fear can go a long way. When it comes to pursuing your goals for retirement, your trusted advisor is the professional you want to talk to.
Top 8 Charities that Help Children
Six charities to give to during the Christmas season that help children.
2020 Operation Christmas Child
2020 Operation Christmas Child volunteer opportunity with Family Wealth Partner team
Giving Thanks When Circumstances Are Tough
There's always a reason to be thankful. And fortunately, it doesn't require you to deny your problems, but simply to shift your focus to the things you can be grateful for.
The Case for Staying Calm and Continuing with Your Plan, Even If Everyone Around You Is Reacting to Fear
Staying Calm and Continuing Your Plan